Q. 受付はどこにありますか?
Where is the ski school reception located?
A. ホテルホゥルス1Fにあります
Located on the 1st floor of Hotel Khuls.
Q. レッスン開始時間は?
What time do lessons start?
A. お客様のご希望の時間から開始できます
You can start at a time of your choice.
Q. リフト券は付いてきますか? Does it come with a lift ticket?
A. 付いてきません。チケット売り場で購入する必要があります
Lift tickets are not included. Must be purchased at the ticket office.
We can guide you which ticket you should buy on the day of the event.
Q. お支払いはクレジットカード使用できますか?
Do you accept credit cards for payment?
A. 各種ご利用いただけます
You can use various types of cards.
Q. 予約確認書はありますか?
Do you have a reservation confirmation?
A. ご予約お見積もりを含め、内容が決まりましたらお送りいたします
We will send you the details, including a reservation estimate, when they are finalized.